Short Course Bursaries

Short Course Bursaries aim to support applicants who wish to join a course at Dartington that enables them to inspire their wider community, and in turn, enrich the course through their own unique contribution.

It is our hope that our bursaries support a wide cross section of participation on our short course programme. The number of bursaries available is limited, competition is strong and funding is not always available for every short course.

Upcoming Short Courses

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Short Course Bursaries aim to support applicants who wish to join a course at Dartington that enables them to inspire their wider community, and in turn, enrich the course through their own unique contribution.

It is our hope that our bursaries support a wide cross section of participation on our short course programme. The number of bursaries available is limited, competition is strong and funding is not always available for every short course.

Please be aware that most bursaries are in the region of 10% – 20% of the course fee so please be prepared to raise funding from other sources.  A bursary award is not intended to cover travel or incidental expenses.

Applications are viewed on a case-by-case basis and we are unable to enter into discussions on any decisions. We generally have many more applications for bursaries than we have funding available. We can only offer one bursary per person per year and priority is given to those who have not received a bursary from us before. To help us support as many people as possible, please only apply if you would be unable to attend the course without a bursary.

Only Dartington Short Courses with a ticket price of £250 or higher are eligible for a bursary.

How to apply for a bursary

NB: Please do not pay your deposit for the course yet. Any applications received where a deposit has been paid will be rejected and the deposit refunded.

– Complete an online application for a bursary via the form below

– Ensure that you have read the Bursary Terms and Conditions, below, and indicate your agreement when completing the form

Six weeks before the course is due to start all bursary applications will be considered and responded to.  If successful you will be required to accept our Bursary Terms and Conditions.

Please be prepared to supply an appropriate reference in support of your application.

Short Course Bursary Scheme: Terms and conditions

These terms and conditions will govern our Short Course Bursary Scheme.

Dartington Trust is a company limited by guarantee and registered in England (Company no. 1485560) and a registered charity (Charity no. 279756).  Our registered office is The Elmhirst Centre, Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 6EL, UK.

You should retain a copy of these terms and conditions for your future reference. Please read them carefully and make sure that you fully understand them before committing to a bursary.

1. Eligibility
1.1. Bursaries are awarded on the basis of financial need. This may require additional eligibility checks following an initial application.
1.2. We can only offer one bursary per person, per Financial Year (April – March) and will not consider applications from anyone who has already paid full price or the bursary discount rate for a course in the same Financial Year.
1.3. Only Dartington Trust Short Courses with a ticket value of £250 or more are eligible for a bursary
1.4. Priority is given to those who have not received a bursary or attended a Dartington Trust Short Course before.
1.5. Applicants must notify the Trust immediately should their circumstances change after applying for a bursary where such a change may affect their eligibility for that bursary.

2. What a bursary includes
2.1. A bursary award will cover part of the cost of one short course, which includes all tuition, food and accommodation. Food and accommodation included within the bursary is provided by the Trust.
2.2. Travel to and from the course is the responsibility of the bursary recipient. We cannot provide financial assistance with travel.

3. Applications
3.1. To avoid disappointment, bursary applications must be submitted in good time. The deadline for bursary applications is 6 weeks prior to the course start date. Bursary applications submitted after this may not be considered
3.2. Applications from previous bursary recipients who have failed to attend a course without notice or good reason will not be considered.
3.3. Applicants will be notified of the decision regarding their application promptly, whether or not they have been successful.
3.4. We reserve the right to not award a bursary, or to withdraw the bursary scheme in whole or in part at any time.
3.5. The decisions on bursary awards are final and the Trust will not enter into any correspondence about them.

4. Conditions of successful award
4.1. After receiving notification of successful bursary award, the recipient must accept or decline the offer within seven days.
4.2. If acceptance of a bursary award is not confirmed within seven days of notification, the award will be withdrawn.
4.3. Bursaries are non-transferrable. Should a bursary recipient request to transfer a booking to an alternative course, a new bursary application will need to be made and the existing bursary award will be withdrawn.
4.4. Should a bursary recipient need to cancel a booking after accepting their bursary award, the bursary award will be withdrawn. Course cancellations are subject to our Short Course Terms and Conditions.
4.5. Post course report:
a. It is a condition of a bursary award that recipients must submit a short written report (either by email or post) within six weeks of the end of their chosen course, describing their experience and the impact it has had on their life. This is essential to help Dartington Trust secure further funding to ensure the future of our grants scheme.
b. The post course report may be used for promotional and publicity purposes. This will be done anonymously unless you consent otherwise.
4.6. We reserve the right to withdraw any offer of a bursary if the conditions of the award are not met.

5. Your privacy
Personal information collected as part of the Bursary Scheme will be managed in accordance with UK data protection legislation and our Privacy Policy.  We are committed to respecting your privacy and, unless you otherwise consent or ask us, we will only use information provided by you for the processing, administration and reporting of your bursary.
5.1. Data supplied by you
Unless you consent otherwise, we will only share your information with those absolutely necessary for us to progress and deliver your bursary. Supplying incomplete or inaccurate data may affect our ability to process or progress your application.
5.2. Funder reporting
We may be required to report to external funders as a condition of their funding towards existing and future bursaries.  By accepting a bursary award, you are agreeing to this disclosure. We will notify you of any information shared in this way.
5.3. Data controller
The Data Controller is Dartington Trust. If you have any questions of concerns about how your data is being managed, please contact us at

6. Variation
These terms and conditions are correct at the time of issue but may be revised from time to time.

7. Severance
If any provision within these terms and condition is deemed to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be struck out and the remaining provisions shall remain valid and in force.

8. Law and jurisdiction
These terms and conditions, and any dispute arising from them, will be governed by English law and subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

9. Contact Details
If you have any comments or queries about these terms and conditions, please contact our Short Course Team via

short course bursaries: apply now

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